Players begin as a Dragon Slayer, hunters whom travel the countryside determined to rid their lands of Dragons. As the story of Divinity 2 – Ego Draconis unfolds, the player will discover new abilities and possibilities as they evolve into a legendary Dragon Lord. In addition, the player character’s abilities can be steadily improved over the course of the game and specialised in specific areas. The further a player quests in the world of Divinity 2 – Ego Draconis, the more exciting the gaming experience becomes.
Over the course of the game, players will be able to find many items which have special game-play functions; some can be combined with others to advance further in the game. Additionally, players can use a large variety of weapons in their struggle against a seemingly inevitable fate. An extremely varied and demanding quest structure guarantees hours of fun and a high replay value.
Cheats and Trainer for Divinity II: Ego Draconis(PC)